Audience: Marks and Spencer suppliers

This page contains documents that are unique for suppliers connecting with Marks and Spencer on the platform. The documents on this page have been customized for Marks and Spencer suppliers and should be used during the onboarding process and when receiving live orders.

For questions related to the Marks and Spencer drop-ship program, please reach out to your brand's Marks and Spencer merchandising representative.

For onboarding support, please email the Onboarding team at

For production support, check out Rithum’s supplier documentation or reach out to our Software Support team.

Onboarding with Rithum

To learn more about the onboarding process and your next steps, see Onboarding to Rithum.

Required fields by workflow

Marks and Spencer requires certain fields for inventory, cancel, shipment, and return updates. You will need to ensure that you are sending all the required fields for this program. The document below outlines those required fields by workflow.

Marks and Spencer - Required Fields by Workflow

Excel templates for each workflow

If you would like a description of the required fields listed in the document above, or if you plan on using Excel files for your feeds, the templates below are available for you to use.

Marks and Spencer - Inventory Upload Template
Marks and Spencer - Order Cancel Upload Template
Marks and Spencer - Shipment Upload Template

EDI documentation

If you are going to exchange EDI documents with Rithum for Marks and Spencer, you will use the standard EDI specifications.

Note: In the EDI specifications, there are two versions for the 850 file: 4010 and 5010. For Marks and Spencer, we recommend you use the 5010 version for 850 files. All other files (846, 856, 870, 810) will use the 4010 version.

EDIFACT documentation

If you are going to exchange EDIFACT documents with Rithum for Marks and Spencer, you will use the guides below.

HubEdifact Marks & Spencer Inventory
HubEdifact Marks & Spencer Purchase Order
HubEdifact Marks & Spencer Fulfillment Confirmation
HubEdifact Marks & Spencer Return Notification
HubEdifact Marks & Spencer Return Authorization
HubEdifact Marks & Spencer CONTRL

API Documentation

If you are going to exchange transactions via API, you will use the V3 API specifications.

Packing Slips

Marks and Spencer will indicate on each order whether a packing slip should be generated/printed.

  • If PACK is sent on the order, the packing slip must be printed.
  • If NOPACK is sent, do not generate/print the packing slip.

Please refer to the appropriate Order Message file type for your integration to see the exact field name used to pass this indicator.

Packing slips can be downloaded in the platform. If you prefer to create your own packing slips, the document below provides instructions for replicating packing slips for Marks and Spencer. Once you have created your packing slips, please submit samples to Marks and Spencer for approval.

Marks and Spencer - Packing Slip Guide
Marks and Spencer Logo
Marks and Spencer QR Code

Return Reasons Mapping Guide

Refer to the guide below to match Return Reasons customers may use for their returns to the Reason Codes that are available in the platform.

Marks and Spencer - Return Reasons Mapping Reference Guide

Marks and Spencer’s Click and Collect Programme

Marks and Spencer works with 3rd party brands and Rithum to dropship items to customers through two major fulfilment routes:

  • Home delivery (direct to customer)
  • Click and Collect (from over 600+ Marks and Spencer stores across the UK)

Marks and Spencer has provided the following document about the Click and Collect Programme and their requirements.

To find out more and take part in the Click and Collect Dropship Programme with Marks and Spencer, please reach out to Stefano Sartori (

To learn more about the order fulfillment workflow in Rithum for Click and Collect orders, see the document below.


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