Audience: Retailers

You may update the following information associated with your account:

  • Account details, such as your password and time zone
  • General information, such as primary contact, email notifications, and legal contact
  • Billing details, including email address and phone number
  • Policies related to order fulfillment

Note: The options displayed may vary based on your configuration.

We encourage you to review the General Settings policies for the platform to make sure they align with your internal policies. This will allow your trading partners to fulfill and invoice orders appropriately.

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > General Settings.

Step 2: From here, you may:

Update your password Click Account, then click Request Change Password. You will receive an email with instructions to change your password.

Update your date and time settings

Note: The default time zone in the platform is UTC.

Click Account, then click Edit in the Date and Time section. You can update any of the following options: 
  • Use the Date & Number Formatting drop-down menu to select a region. 
  • Use the Time Zone drop-down menu to select the desired time zone. This time zone will be reflected in any time-related fields in reports you create and/or schedule, such as Order Date and Ship Date
  • Use the System Time Zone drop-down to select the desired time zone for the system. This time zone will be reflected in any time-related fields in the platform.
Update your primary contact details Click General, then click Edit in the Primary Contact section. Update your contact details as needed.
Update your email notifications

To sign up for email notifications related to the order workflow, see Configuring your workflow notifications.

For email notifications related to system changes, performance, or order/inventory errors and warnings, see Configuring Notification Preferences.

Update your legal contact details Click General and locate the Legal Contact and Legal Information sections. Click Edit next to the details you’d like to update and update the details as needed.
Update your billing details Click Billing tab click Edit. Update the details as needed.
Update your policy settings Click Policies, then click Edit. Define your order and invoicing policies from the following options:
  • Fill/Kill Policy: Use this drop-down to set the fill/kill policy for all orders.    
    • None - No Policy Enforced: Allow the supplier to fulfill orders freely. They can partially ship line items and orders as needed.    
    • Fill/Kill at Order Level: The supplier is required to fulfill all lines of the order. They cannot partially ship and partially cancel items within an order.    
    • Fill/Kill at Order Line-Item Level: The supplier is required to fulfill all line items. If a line item has multiple quantities, they cannot cancel partial quantity and ship partial quantity on the line-item level.

  • Invoicing Policy: Use this drop-down to set the invoicing policy for your orders.    
    • None - No Policy Enforced: Allow the supplier to invoice orders freely. They can invoice at the shipment or order level. They can invoice part of an order when it ships and then come back and invoice another part when it ships later. There are no invoicing rules set.    
    • Require a unique invoice for each shipment: Allows the supplier to split invoicing per shipment/package.    
    • Require a unique invoice for each order: Supplier must invoice the whole order at the same time. They cannot partially invoice parts of an order.    
    • Require an entire order line to be invoiced: Supplier must invoice the entire quantity of an order line at the same time.

  • Archive Orders: Specify the number of days to archive your orders after a certain number of days. Archiving orders means that PO numbers associated with old orders can be re-used on new orders. The archived orders will still be accessible in your account.

  • Creation-Type Dates: Specify the maximum number of days into the past and in the future to allow for user-specified creation-type dates on the following objects: Order, Shipment, Invoice, Return. The system will not accept any dates submitted outside of this range.

  • Projection-Type Dates: Specify the maximum number of days into the past and in the future to allow for user-specified projection-type dates on the following objects: Order, Shipment, Invoice, Return. The system will not accept any dates submitted outside of this range.

  • Cancellation Codes: If you require suppliers to include a cancellation code when they cancel an order, select Yes. If not, select No. 

  • Order Invoicing: If you require orders to be invoiced before allowing returns, select Yes. If not, select No.


Step 3: When complete, click Save Changes.

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