Audience: Poshmark suppliers

This page contains documents that are unique for suppliers connecting with Poshmark on Rithum's platform. The documents on this page have been customized for Poshmark suppliers and should be used during the onboarding process and when receiving live orders.

For questions related to the Poshmark drop-ship program, please reach out to your brand's Poshmark merchandising representative.

For onboarding support, please email Rithum’s Onboarding team at

For production support, check out Rithum’s supplier documentation or reach out to our Software Support team.

Onboarding with Rithum

To learn more about the onboarding process and your next steps, see Joining the Rithum Network.

Required fields by workflow

Poshmark requires certain fields for inventory, cancel, and shipment updates. You will need to ensure that you are sending all the required fields for this program. The document below outlines those required fields by workflow.

Poshmark - Required Fields by Workflow

Excel templates for each workflow

If you would like a description of the required fields listed in the document above, or if you plan on using Excel files for your feeds, the templates below are available for you to use.

Poshmark - Inventory Upload Template
Poshmark - Order Cancel Upload Template
Poshmark - Shipment Upload Template

EDI documentation

If you are going to exchange EDI documents with Rithum for Poshmark, you will use the standard EDI specifications.

Note: In the EDI specifications, there are two versions for the 850 file: 4010 and 5010. For Poshmark, we recommend you use the 5010 version for 850 files. All other files (846, 856, 870, 810) will use the 4010 version.


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