Audience: Belk suppliers
This page contains content that is unique for suppliers connecting with Belk on the platform.
For onboarding support, please email Rithum’s Onboarding team at
For production support, check out Rithum’s supplier documentation or email the Software Support team. Visit our website for contact details.
Using advanced catalog services to set up your products
Advanced catalog services is designed to help you get products listed faster and give you greater visibility into the setup process. As a supplier, you are required to use advanced catalog services to add all rich product data, including images, for any products you wish to sell on Belk's website. To learn more, go to Advanced Catalog Services for Suppliers.
Looking for more information on managing your content with advanced catalog services? View and enroll in the Managing Your Content training course in Rithum Learn, which provides interactive, on-demand business and system training.
Note: Advanced catalog services is different from the basic Catalog templates that are used to provide product data to your retail partner. For more information about uploading basic Catalog/Inventory templates using the Inventory page, see Creating or Updating Inventory.
Important: Once you’ve added your product data to the platform, you must also add the SKUs to your inventory in OrderStream. Be aware that specific matching criteria must be met. For Belk, the GTIN in the platform must match the Vendor SKU in OrderStream. For more information about updating your inventory in OrderStream, visit HubHelp.
Live Webinar for Belk - August 3, 2022 - (Recording)
The Rithum Product team presented a webinar to show you how to add product content and manage compliance using advanced catalog services.
Belk Product Attributes and Requirements
Belk has provided the following documents to help you understand their expectations for product attributes and content requirements:
- Belk Templates and Instructions
- Belk PDP Vendor Image Requirements
- Belk PDP Copy Vendor Requirements
- Common Errors
- Message on Behalf of Belk: New Advanced Catalog in the Platform
Please reach out to your Belk merchant with any questions you have about the program or the partnership with Rithum.
Here are some guidelines for uploading products for Belk:
GTIN field
Belk requires GTINs to be 13 digits long. If the GTIN is only 12 digits long, you must add a leading 0 to the GTIN. To ensure Excel displays and accepts the leadings 0s, you must:
- Format the column in Excel as a "text" column.
- Type or copy/paste in the GTIN, including the leading 0.
Style Number field
Belk requires Style Numbers to be alphanumeric characters:
- Letters A-Z (upper and lower case)
- Numbers 0-9
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