Audience: Retailers

You can customize your Scorecard settings with specific expectations and weights for each Scorecard metric. Here are some things to consider when setting specific targets that your suppliers must meet:

  • If your agreements with your suppliers include formal service level agreement (SLA) targets, it is best practice to incorporate these targets into your Scorecard settings.
  • Overall Score is calculated using a general formula:
    (Metric 1 Performance) * (Weight of Metric 1) + (Metric n Performance) * (Weight of Metric n)
    For example:
Metric Weight

Supplier Performance

Adjusted Fill Rate



Shipped on Time Rate



Overall Score = 97%(50% * 95% Adjusted Fill Rate) + (50% * 99% Shipped On Time Rate) 


Note: Only account administrators have permissions to update Scorecard settings.

To learn more about available metrics and how they are defined, see About SLA Metrics.


Step 1:  Click the navigation menu and select Automation & Reporting > Scorecards.

Step 2: Click Scorecard Settings at the top of the page. The Score Components page is displayed.

Step 3: From here, you can:

Set your Expected Goals

Use the drop-down menu to apply weights to each Scorecard metric. Here are the default percentages recommended for each component:

  • Adjusted Fill Rate - 98.0%
  • Shipped On Time Rate - 95.0%

Note: These are general guidelines and, in some cases, may not be relevant for certain types of products, suppliers, or retail scenarios.

Set the % of Total Score

Use the drop-down menu to apply weights to each Scorecard metric. These weights are used to calculate the Overall Score for a given supplier for a given month. Weights must total 100%.

Here are the default percentages recommended for the calculation:

  • Adjusted Fill Rate - 50%
  • Shipped On Time Rate - 50%

For more information, see About Insights metrics and data fields.

Step 4: When complete, click Save.

Your Scorecard settings as of 11:59 PM EST on the last day of the month will be used to calculate the score for that month. Changes to the KPI expectations will not affect the scores from past months


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