Audience: Suppliers
Scorecards make it easy for you to see how you are performing relative to your retailers’ expectations across key performance indicators (KPIs). As a best practice, you should evaluate your Scorecard performance at least monthly.
To learn more about the Insights available beyond Scorecards, see:
Viewing your Scorecard Performance
Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Automation & Reporting > Scorecards. The Scorecards page is displayed with the List View open.
Step 2: From here, you can:
- Use the List View and the Month drop-down to compare Scorecard performance across retailers for a given month.
- Use the Historical View and the Retailer drop-down to review Scorecard performance for all connections or an individual retailer over time.
- Use the data tables at the bottom of the page to see if you’re meeting your retailer’s expectations. Use the filters to focus your view. For example, you can filter the table to see specific instances where you did not meet retailer expectations.
- View your Overall Score in the Historical View that represents your performance across multiple areas of your business.
Retailers assign weights to each Scorecard metric, which are used to calculate your Overall Score. View the Weighted Adjusted Fill Rate and Weighted Shipped on Time columns in the data tables at the bottom of the page to see how they’re weighed.
Overall Score is calculated using a general formula:
(Metric 1 Performance) * (Weight of Metric 1) + (Metric n Performance) * (Weight of Metric n)
For example:
Metric Weight Supplier Performance
Adjusted Fill Rate 50%
Shipped on Time Rate 50%
(50% * 95% Adjusted Fill Rate) + (50% * 99% Shipped On Time Rate)
If you do not meet or exceed all of a retailer’s targets for a given month, your Scorecard will indicate that you did not meet expectations.
These targets may be outlined in a formal agreement with your retailer. Contact your retailer if you have specific questions about SLAs performance expectations. Rithum is not responsible for setting or enforcing these policies.
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