Audience: Suppliers

Cancel codes allow both retailers and suppliers to share exact details on what went wrong with a cancelled order.

In addition, you can customize the Rithum cancel codes that you want to use by using the Cancel Code Mapping tool. This article will show you how to use the cancel codes as well as set up your cancel code mapping.

Supported cancel reasons

Here are some of the reasons you can assign to a cancellation.

Note: Not all cancel codes listed here may be available to you. These codes are determined by the retailer via the Cancel Code Mapping tool.

Initiated by Cancel Reason Description
Supplier Out of Stock Items ordered are currently out of stock.
Supplier Discontinued Item Items ordered are currently discontinued.
Supplier Not Enough Stock Items ordered are not out of stock, but there is not enough stock to fulfill the order.
Supplier Bad Address/
Incorrect Address
Shipping address on the order is incorrect or invalid.
Supplier Invalid Ship Instructions Shipping instructions are invalid.
Supplier Can't Ship On Time Supplier cannot ship the items by a required delivery date.
Supplier Cancelled at Retailer Request Retailer requested the supplier to cancel the items.
Supplier Other Any other reason not covered by a cancellation code.
Supplier Bad SKU Items ordered have an incorrect SKU.
Supplier  Cannot Ship To Country Supplier cannot ship to the country on the shipping address.
Supplier Cannot Ship To PO Box Supplier cannot ship to a PO Box.
Supplier Cannot Ship USPS Supplier cannot ship via USPS.
Supplier Carrier Does Not Service Delivery Location Carrier cannot deliver to the shipping address location.
Supplier Customer Refused Delivery Customer refused the delivery.
Supplier Duplicate Order Duplicate order.
Supplier Invalid Method of Shipment Order has an invalid shipping method.
Supplier Invalid UOM Items ordered have an incorrect unit of measurement.
Supplier Item Recall Items ordered have been recalled.
Supplier Minimum Order Not Met Number of items ordered does not meet the minimum requirement.
Supplier Order Entry Error Order has invalid data.
Supplier Order Info Missing Order is missing data.
Supplier Preorder Cancellation Order was cancelled.
Supplier Fraud Fraudulent purchase.
Supplier To Close Order and Allow Reissue Order must be closed and allowed to be reissued.
Supplier Unable to Contact Recipient Supplier is unable to contact the recipient.
Retailer Customer Regret Order cancelled at customer request.
Retailer Fraud Fraudulent purchase.
Retailer Non-compliant Processing delay by the supplier.
Retailer Order Expiry - Late Shipment Order has not been shipped by supplier, cancelled by retailer. 
Retailer Other Any other reason not covered by a cancel code.

Using cancel codes in the web application

Step 1: Follow these steps to get to the order's Cancellation page: Cancel a Line Item in Rithum.

Step 2: You should now see a drop-down where you can select the Reason Code behind the cancellation.

Using cancel codes in flat files (.XLS, .CSV, .TAB)

Cancel codes can be indicated on any flat file by using the "line_item_cancel_code" field. See this example from a .XLS spreadsheet:

You can reference the Rithum schema and download the cancellation template here: Rithum Data Schema

Using cancel codes in EDI

The Rithum EDI spec supports cancel codes given on the 870. Specifically, you can indicate this code on the ISR03 segment. Refer to the Rithum Data Schema for more information.



This segment is indicating that the order is cancelled (IC), the date stamp, and the reason code being "out-of-stock" (W01). Please note that EDI has its own set of ISR03 codes outside of the default Rithum codes. 

For those using the original Kohl's EDI 856 mapping for cancellations, the cancel code should be included on the REF 'ZZ' segment. The ISR03 code should be given on REF02 with 'line_item_cancel_code' on REF03.



Updated Kohl's 856 specifications can be accessed here.

Using cancel codes in the Rithum API

For API users, please include a "cancelCode" string with the appropriate code to your Order Status updates.


    "cancelCode": "CXSD",

    "cancelledQuantity": 1,

The "CXSD" code indicates that the quantity cancelled was due to being discontinued. 

For additional information you can reference the API Order Status documentation here.

Mapping cancel codes

If you want to use something other than the Rithum default codes to identify the cancel reasons or to view cancel codes specific to your trading partner, use the Cancel Code Mapping tool. 

Warning! If you are using EDI to send in cancel codes, this tool will not apply to you.

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > Mapping Settings

Step 2: On the Mapping Settings page, click Cancel Code Mapping.

Step 3: The page expands to display a list of all cancel reasons and codes. From here, you can:

  • View cancel codes enabled by your trading partner (highlighted rows).
  • Customize your own cancel codes.
    1. Select the Customize checkbox and add the custom Reason Code.
    2. Click Save Changes. You can now send your own customized code for any order cancellation.
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