Audience: Suppliers

You can apply the “product_status” field to your items in the platform, which will provide additional flexibility to how and when you would like to share inventory with your trading partners.

The regular "status" field relates to inventory quantity while the "product_status" relates to catalog details. You should continue using the "status" field in your inventory updates as normal (in-stock, out-of-stock, etc).                                            

Status Definition



The supplier is in the process of setting up the item within the platform and it is not ready for the retailers to sell it.

The platform will not export this item in inventory update feeds to the supplier’s trading partners, but will export this item in catalog feeds to the supplier’s trading partners.




The supplier has completed all of the item setup they wish to complete and the trading partners can now sell the item when the item has positive quantity.

Existing products will be set to a "null" value, which the platform will consider to be "active" for the purposes of determining whether retailers should see these items. This is required for backwards compatibility. Going forward, the platform will likewise consider items created without a product_status to be active.




The supplier has discontinued the item but wants its trading partners to continue to sell the item until the inventory quantity goes to zero. 

The platform will continue to send inventory updates to the supplier’s trading partners if the supplier continues to update the available quantity of the item. At some point, it is expected that the available quantity will go to zero and remain there. However, if the supplier should send a positive inventory quantity, it will be passed to its trading partners.



The item is discontinued and the supplier’s trading partners are not to sell any more. The platform will export the item to the supplier’s retailer via its designated inventory update feed (file/API/webhook), setting the quantity available to zero and overriding whatever value may be there.

Suppliers may continue to send positive inventory quantity values for the item to the platform, however, the platform will just continue to send zero quantity available to the supplier’s trading partners.
Rithum also added field labeled "dsco_last_product_status_update_date", which will be updated whenever the supplier changes the "product_status" value from one status to another.

Product Status Lifecycle Policy

Along with this status, Rithum will also add a “Enable Product Status Lifecycle” supplier policy that will enforce whether the product's product_status value should be required to match the four available options. 

If this policy is set to "true", the platform will enforce that the product_status is one of the four options outlined above. If it's set to "false", the platform will not require that the supplier use the product_status field and the platform will treat it as "active". 

This policy allows the platform to exempt existing suppliers to add support for this feature in order for them to continue doing business as they currently are today.



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