Audience: Suppliers

Suppliers can view any order that has an uninvoiced line item. Closing and completely invoicing the orders will remove them from this list. 

Want to see a walkthrough of how to view uninvoiced orders? Click through the steps directly in the web application using the Guide Me tool: View Uninvoiced Orders.

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Workflows > Orders > All Orders.   

Step 2: Set the following filters:

a. Select a Date Range.
b. Select the Uninvoiced Only checkbox in the Flags section.
c. Deselect the Created, Shipment Pending, and Cancelled checkboxes in the Status section. 
d. Click Update.

You'll see a list of all orders that have any uninvoiced line items for orders that have been shipped. For more information about creating invoices for those line items, see Creating an invoice.

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