This page contains documents that are unique for suppliers connecting with Neiman Marcus on the platform. The documents below have been customized for Neiman Marcus suppliers and should be used during both the onboarding process and when receiving live orders.

For questions related to the Neiman Marcus drop-ship program, please reach out to

For onboarding support, please email the Onboarding team at

For production support, check out Rithum’s supplier documentation or reach out to our Software Support team.

Rithum Resources

Onboarding with Rithum
EDI Documentation
Required Fields by Workflow
Orders Beta

Neiman Marcus Resources

Drop-ship Program Guidelines
Photography Technical Requirements
Packing Slip Guide
Compliance Standards
FEDX 3rd Brand Partner Setup
Home Delivery Information


Onboarding with Rithum

To learn more about the onboarding process and your next steps, see:

EDI Documentation

If you're going to be exchanging EDI documents with Rithum for Neiman Marcus, click here for the EDI spec.

Note: In the EDI specifications, there are two versions for the 850 file: version 4010 and 5010. Neiman Marcus requires that you use the 5010 version for 850 files. All other files (846, 856, 870, 810) will use the 4010 version.

Required Fields by Workflow

The document below lists the required fields for each file type (inventory, order cancel, invoice). The fields in each section are required in order for updates to be accepted in the platform.

Neiman Marcus - Required Fields by Workflow

Excel templates for each workflow

If you would like a description of the required fields listed in the document above, or if you plan on using Excel files for your feeds, the templates below are available for you to use.

Neiman Marcus - Inventory Upload Template

Neiman Marcus - Shipment Upload Template

Neiman Marcus - Invoice Upload Template

Neiman Marcus - Order Cancel Upload Template

Orders Beta

Live Webinar for Neiman Marcus - August 10, 2022 - (Recording)

The Software Support team presented a webinar to show you how to use the Orders Beta page.

Drop-ship Program Guidelines

Review the document below for details on the Neiman Marcus drop-ship program.

NMG Drop Ship Program Overview

Photography Technical Requirements

Review the documents below for the requirements on product images and photography.

NM Photography Guide
BG Photography Guide

Packing Slip Guide

Use the document below to create your in-house packing slip and map fields on order files from the platform to the packing slip.

Neiman Marcus - Packing Slip Guide
Neiman Marcus Logos

Compliance Standards

The documents below outline the Neiman Marcus compliance standards and violation charges implemented to reinforce the drop-ship program requirements and meet customer service standards. Please reach out to if you have questions. 

Compliance Announcement
NMG Drop Ship Brand Requirements 2023
PFAS FAQS for Neiman Marcus Brand Partners
PFAS Letter to Brand Partners

FEDX 3rd Brand Partner Setup

Review the document below for information on setting up your 3rd party account with FEDX, our preferred carrier for Drop Shipments. For questions, contact

FedEx Brand Partner Setup

Home Delivery Information

The document below includes information required on all Home Delivery services. Neiman Marcus Group Logistics assigns a delivery method for all items based on size, weight, packaging, item design, and damage history. Items too large for the FedEx network, but that can easily be unpacked and handled by our customer, are assigned Threshold delivery. For Home Delivery Carrier questions, contact or

Drop Ship Home Delivery Carrier FAQ


Neiman Marcus Group uses Intertrade to match styles and synchronize product data. For registration with Intertrade, reference the document below for setup and contact information. For questions regarding the registration process, please contact Intertrade's Catalogue experts at: 

800.873.7803 Option 3
UPC-EAN Announcement


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