Audience: Retailers

Scorecards make it easy for you to see how your suppliers are performing relative to your expectations across key performance indicators (KPIs). As a best practice, you should evaluate your suppliers’ Scorecard performance at least monthly.

To learn more about the Insights available beyond Scorecards, see:

Viewing your suppliers’ Scorecard performance

Step 1:  Click the navigation menu and select Automation & Reporting  > Scorecard. The Scorecards page is displayed with the List View.


Step 2: From here, you can:

  • Use the List View and the Month drop-down to compare Scorecard performance across suppliers for a given month.
  • Use the Historical View and the Supplier drop-down to review Scorecard performance for your network or an individual supplier over time.
  • View the Overall Score in the Historical View to see supplier performance across multiple areas of your business.
  • Use the data tables at the bottom of the page to see specific suppliers who did not meet expectations, or suppliers with a minimum order volume. Use the filters to focus your view.
    If a supplier does not meet or exceed all of your targets for a given month, Scorecards will flag that supplier as Not Meeting Expectations.
  • Configure your Scorecard settings and apply weights to each Scorecard metric. These weights are used to calculate the Overall Score for a given supplier for a given month. Weights must total 100%.
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