Audience: Suppliers

The metrics and fields below may appear across multiple areas of Insights.


Business Value/Definition

Adjusted Fill Rate

- How often order lines are shipped rather than cancelled.
- Calculated as the count of order lines shipped divided by the count of order lines closed (shipped or cancelled) in the reporting period.
- Adjusted to only consider supplier-related cancel reasons (out of stock, not enough stock, discontinued, or backordered).
- If a line is partially shipped (for example, some quantity shipped, remaining quantity cancelled), it is counted as a cancelled line.

Average Unit Cost

- Average unit cost of the orders received in the reporting period.
- Calculated as GWV divided by Units.
- In the context of revenue reporting, calculation excludes open and cancelled orders. Revenue is only recognized if an order is shipped.

Average Unit Cost

- Average unit cost of the orders received in the reporting period.
- Calculated as GWV divided by Units.
- In the context of revenue reporting, calculation excludes open and cancelled orders. Revenue is only recognized if an order is shipped.

Average Unit Price

- Average unit price (or consumer price) of the orders received in the reporting period.
- Calculated as GMV divided by Units.
- In the context of revenue reporting, calculation excludes open and cancelled orders. Revenue is only recognized if an order is shipped.

Cancellations by Reason

Count of lines cancelled in the reporting period, grouped by cancel reason.

Cancelled Lines

- Order lines that were cancelled in reporting period.
- If a line is partially shipped (for example, some quantity shipped, remaining quantity cancelled), it is counted as a cancelled line.

Daily Inventory Updates

- Percentage of days when a supplier submitted at least one inventory update.
- Calculated as a supplier-level average when evaluating multiple suppliers.
- Updates include changes to availability, changes to quantity, and incremental refreshes.
- Calculated as number of days where a supplier submitted at least one inventory update divided by the number of days in the reporting period.

Delivered Early/ On Time/ Late

- Delivered Early: All shipments for an order line were delivered before their expected delivery date.
- Delivered On Time: All shipments for an order line were delivered on their expected delivery date.
- Delivered Late: At least one shipment for an order line was delivered after the expected delivery date.

Delivered On Time Distribution

- Frequency of order lines delivered early, on time, or late relative to their expected delivery date.
- If a line has multiple shipments, the first delivery date is considered.

Delivered On Time Rate

- Percentage of order lines delivered on or before their expected delivery date.
- If a line has multiple shipments, the first delivery date is considered.
- Tracking data may not be available for certain carriers or shipments.


- Count of deliveries associated with order lines that were closed in the reporting period.
- Order lines may have one or many deliveries.

Delivery Date Accuracy

- Frequency of order lines delivered early, on time, or late relative to their due date.
- Carrier-reported delivery dates are compared to retailer-specified deadlines.
- If a line has multiple shipments, the first delivered date is considered.

Filled Lines

Orders lines that were fully filled (for example, shipped, not cancelled) in the reporting period.

First Order Date

The first date an order was created for a connection or set of connections.

Gross Fill Rate

- How often order lines are shipped rather than cancelled.
- Calculated as the count of order lines shipped divided by the count of order lines closed (shipped or cancelled) in the reporting period.
- Considers all cancel reasons.
- If a line is partially shipped (such as some quantity shipped, remaining quantity cancelled), it is counted as a cancelled line.

Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

- Gross merchandise value of the orders received in the reporting period.
- Calculated as Unit Price (also known as Consumer Price) * Quantity.
- Calculated using the unit price provided on a Purchase Order.
- In the context of revenue reporting, calculation excludes open and cancelled orders. Revenue is only recognized if an order is shipped.

Gross Wholesale Value (GWV)

- Gross wholesale value of orders received in the reporting period.
- Calculated using the line item unit cost and quantity specified on a Purchase Order (Unit Cost * Quantity).
- In the context of revenue reporting, calculation excludes open and cancelled orders. Revenue is only recognized if an order is shipped.

GWV of Cancellations

Gross wholesale value of order lines received in the reporting period that were cancelled.

In-Stock Rate (Connection-level)

- Average In-Stock Rates for all SKUs for a given retailer-supplier connection.
- If a connection has two SKUs, one with an in-stock rate of 50%, another with an in-stock rate of 100%, the connection in-stock rate is 75%.
- In-stock rate is calculated only for SKUs with sales in the last X months, to filter out “noise” from SKUs that are not selling.

In-Stock Rate (SKU-level)

- In-Stock Rate (SKU-level) = Time In Stock divided by Total Time.
- When calculated at the “day” level: If an item is in-stock for 15 days, and out of stock for 15 days, the in-stock rate over the 30-day period was 50%.


- Order lines received in the reporting period.
- In most contexts, this includes open, shipped, and cancelled lines.

Lines Delivered

- Order lines with at least one shipment reported as delivered by a carrier.
- Order lines with multiple shipments are only counted once.
- Tracking data may not be available for certain carriers or shipments.

Lines Delivered Early/ On Time/ Late

- Lines Delivered Early: Order lines with all shipments delivered before their expected delivery date.
- Lines Delivered On Time: Order lines with all shipments delivered on their expected delivery date.
- Lines Delivered Late: Order lines with at least one shipment delivered after the expected delivery date.

Lines Shipped Early/ On Time/ Late

- Lines shipped: Order lines fully shipped in the reporting period.
- Order lines with multiple shipments are only counted once.
- Shipped Early: Order lines fully shipped before their ship deadline.
- Shipped On Time: Order lines fully shipped on their ship deadline.
- Shipped Late: Order lines fully shipped with at least one shipment after the ship deadline.
- Early/ On Time/ Late may be calculated using the Ship Notice Date or the Supplier Reported Ship Date.

Marketplace Commission

- Commission collected by the marketplace operator.
- Calculated as Marketplace GMV * Commission Percentage.

On time ASN Rate

- Percentage of ship notices (ASNs) submitted on time.
- A ship notice is considered on time if it is submitted the same day as the supplier-reported ship date.


- Orders received in the reporting period.
- In most contexts, this includes open, shipped, and cancelled orders.

Overall Score

- A composite metric representing overall performance across various areas.
- Retailers can assign different weights to individual metrics to reflect their relative importance.
- The Overall Score is calculated using the formula: (Metric 1 Performance × Weight of Metric 1) + (Metric 2 Performance × Weight of Metric 2) + ... + (Metric n Performance × Weight of Metric n)

See Scorecards for Retailers.

Perfect Order Rate

Percentage of orders that are fully filled (such as shipped, not cancelled), shipped on time, and delivered on time.

Promise Date Tolerance, By Ship Method

- How long does it typically take orders with a given ship method to arrive to consumers?
- How long is the typical promise date window for these orders?
- Median time to deliver vs. Median promise date duration (days between order create date and deliver by date)

Retail Model

- Retail model associated with an order or set of orders.
- Supported models include "Marketplace" and "Dropship". Defaults to “Dropship” if unspecified.

Retailer ID

Unique ID assigned by Rithum to the retailer account.

Retailer Name

Name assigned by Rithum to the retailer account.

Retailer SKU

SKU assigned to an item by the retailer. Also known as Partner SKU.

Sales Division Retailer

Sales Division associated with an order or group of orders.

Ship By and Deliver By Dates

- Ship By date - Date the retailer expects the supplier to complete the pick, pack, and ship process for an order line.
- Deliver By date - Date the retailer expects all shipments associated with an order line to arrive to the end consumer.

Ship Carrier and Method from Supplier

Shipping carrier and method (service level) received by a supplier on a Shipment Confirmation.

Ship Carrier and Method to Supplier

Shipping carrier and method (service level) sent to a supplier on a Purchase Order.

Ship Carrier and Method from Tracking

Shipping carrier and method (service level) reported in shipment tracking data. Sometimes referred to as the “Actual Carrier” and “Actual Ship Method.”

Ship Accuracy x Delivery Accuracy

- How do supplier and carrier performance (together) impact delivery outcomes? For example, are suppliers shipping on time, but orders are delivered late?
- Pivot of delivered early/ on-time/ late (x-axis) and shipped early/ on-time/ late (y-axis), with a count of shipments that fall into each bucket.

Ship Date Accuracy

- Frequency of order lines shipped early, on time, or late relative to their due date.
- If a line has multiple shipments, the last ship date is considered.

Ship Method Compliance

- How often suppliers follow the ship method (carrier and service level) instructions on a purchase order.
- Stated compliance considers the ship method stated by a supplier on their shipment confirmation.
- Actual compliance considers the ship method received from carrier tracking data.

Ship Notice

- Early: A ship notice is considered early if it is submitted a day or more before the supplier-reported ship date.
- On Time: A ship notice is considered on time if it is submitted the same day as the supplier-reported ship date.
- Late: A ship notice is considered late if it is submitted a day or more after the supplier-reported ship date.

Ship Notice Date

The date an advanced ship notice (ASN) was processed by the platform. This is a system-generated date.


- Count of shipments associated with order lines that were closed in the reporting period.
- Order lines may have one or many shipments.

Shipped Early/ On Time/ Late

- Shipped Early: All shipments for an order line were shipped before their ship deadline.
- Shipped On Time: All shipments for an order line were shipped on their ship deadline.
- Shipped Late: At least one shipment for an order line was shipped after the ship deadline.

Shipped on Time Distribution

- Frequency of order lines shipped early, on time, or late relative to their ship deadline.
- If a line has multiple shipments, the last ship date is considered.

Shipped On Time Rate

- Percentage of order lines shipped on or before their ship deadline.
- If a line has multiple shipments, the last ship date is considered.
- Calculated using the Ship Notice Date or the supplier-reported Ship Date.

Supplier ID

Unique ID assigned by Rithum to the supplier account.

Supplier Marketplace Revenue

- Supplier revenue after marketplace commissions are collected.
- Calculated as Marketplace GMV minus Marketplace Commission.

Supplier Name

Name assigned by Rithum to the supplier account.

Supplier Reported Ship Date

The date a supplier reported an item was shipped. This date is specified by the supplier on an advanced ship notice (ASN).

Supplier SKU

SKU assigned to an item by the supplier.

Time to Deliver

- The number of calendar days it typically takes for an order to arrive to the end customer.
- Calculated as the median of days between order created date and the carrier-reported delivery date.
- If an order line has multiple shipments, the first delivery date is considered.

Time to Ship

- The number of calendar days it typically takes to ship an order.
- Calculated as the median of days between the order created date and the supplier-reported ship date.
- If an order line has multiple shipments, the last ship date is considered.

Trading Partner ID

ID assigned to the supplier by the retailer.

Trading Partner Name

Name assigned to the supplier by the retailer.


Universal Product Code (UPC) associated with an item.

Unit Cost

- Cost of goods for a single unit (for example, one unit of one order line).
- In most arrangements, this is the amount the retailer pays the supplier for the goods sold.
- Shipping costs and other expenses are not typically included in unit cost.

Unit Price

Amount paid by the end consumer to a retailer for a single unit (for example, one unit of one order line).


- Units (order line quantity) received in the reporting period.
- In most contexts, this includes open, shipped, and cancelled units.

Unique Products Sold

 - Unique products (SKUs) that received at least one order in the reporting period.
- This includes open, shipped, and cancelled orders.


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