Audience: Retailers and Suppliers
The Ship Mapping tool allows suppliers and retailers to use their own service-level codes when sending and receiving order shipment information. Using this tool, you can specify the carriers, methods, and codes you currently use in your system and map those to the standard Rithum carriers, methods, and codes.
For example, if you use an internal service-level code of UPSN_CG to refer to UPS Ground, you can map that code to the standard Rithum code of UPCG. By doing so, you will continue to send/receive your code (UPSN_CG) and Rithum will recognize that code as UPS Ground.
Note: What you set for your ship mapping only applies to your account, and it will not be applied to what is sent to your trading partners. They are able to set up their own ship mapping.
Want to see a walkthrough of how to set up ship mapping? Click the ? icon in the top-right corner of the page to click through the steps directly in the web application.
Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > Mapping Settings.
Step 2: Click Ship Mapping.
Step 3: Click Configure Carriers to select which carriers you would like to display on the Ship Mapping table. Rithum default values are displayed on the left side of the table. Any carrier/method combination that your retailers have enabled will be highlighted in yellow. This means that it is important for you, as the supplier, to set up your mapping for at least these shipping options.
Step 4: Click the checkbox in the Customize column to set up the Carrier, Method, and Service Code details.
Step 5: To map multiple service-level codes to the same ship method, click the + icon. To specify which code should be used as the default, click the radio button in the default column.
Note: For carriers/methods supported by the Shipping Science tool, a checkmark is displayed in the Shipping Science Supported column. For more information on the Shipping Science tool, see Shipping Science.
Step 6: Review your changes and click Save Changes.
Unknown Ship Mapping
At the bottom of the Ship Mapping page, you can map unknown carrier, method, and service-level code information coming in from your trading partner.
For example: All of your ship mapping preferences are set and your trading partner sends you an unknown service-level code of SUN. This code does not exist in your shipping mapping preferences. How do you handle this?
The Unknown Ship Mapping tool allows you to choose from two options:
- You can continue to pass through the information your trading partner is sending. Using the example above, the service-level code of SUN would simply pass through to your system.
- You can specify the value you want to receive for ANY unknown carrier, method, and/or service-level code your trading partners send you (as shown below). You will need to specify the carrier/method combo, and/or service-level code you would like to receive.

Supported Shipping Codes
A list of supported shipping codes is available on the Ship Mapping page.
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