Audience: Retailers and Suppliers

Account administrators can manage each user account associated with their company, including creating new user accounts, deactivating users, updating individual user settings, and editing user permissions.

Want to see a walkthrough of how to add users? Click the ? icon in the top-right corner of the page to click through the steps directly in the web application. 

Viewing users

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > Users.

Step 2: To filter users, select a user status from the Status section and click Update.

Creating a new user

You can create new users one at a time, or via batch upload.

Creating new users one at a time

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > Users.

Step 2: Click Add User.

 Step 3: Enter the required information, including Full NameEmailRoleDate & Number Formatting, and Time ZoneFor more information on user roles, click here.

Step 4: Click Save Changes. An email is sent to the new user for them to set up their password.

Creating multiple users via batch upload

You can add a group of new users at the same time with a .CSV file.

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > Users.

Step 2: Click Upload File.

 Step 3: Follow the instructions on the Upload Users page to format and upload your .CSV file. Once you upload your .CSV file, the new users are created, and emails are sent to each user for them to set up their password.

Deactivating a user

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > Users.

Step 2: Click the X icon next to the user to deactivate.

Updating a user

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Settings > Users.

Step 2: Click a user's name to view and update their information.

Step 3: On the Edit User page, select any of the following options:

  • Update the user's Status, Role, Date & Number Formatting, and Time Zone. Click Save Changes.
  • View the permissions granted to the user for their assigned role in the Visibility section.
  • Click Request Password Change to send the user an email with instructions to reset their password. 
  • Click Profile to change the user's email address. Once you enter the new email address, the user will receive a verification email asking them to confirm the change. The user MUST confirm the change before using the new email address to log into the platform. 

User Permissions

The platform includes a comprehensive list of permissions and user roles to allow trading partners to manage the roles for each user account. There are three roles available: Admin, Normal, and Read-Only.

  • Admin and Normal users have permissions throughout the system.
  • Read-Only users can only view information in the platform. No specific permissions are given to users with read-only access.
Permission Description User Roles
Configure/Manage Notifications Adjust notification email settings. Admin, Normal
Create/Configure/Run Automation Create or edit automated jobs on the Automation tab. This permission also includes the ability to run existing automated jobs. Admin, Normal
Create/Modify Inventory Create or edit inventory items. Admin, Normal
Create/Modify Invoices Create or edit invoices. Admin, Normal
Create/Modify Users Create or update users. Admin
Exception Management Request shipment deletions. Admin, Normal
Invite/Manage Proxies Add or remove proxy connections. Admin, Normal
Invite/Manage Trading Partners Edit orders and add shipments. Admin, Normal

Manage Account Settings

Edit account settings. Admin
Modify Orders, Add Shipments Edit orders and add shipments. Admin, Normal
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1 comment
  • Email invitation doesn't send you to a create password, doesn't tell you anything except "Accept Invitation". How do we put this user in all of the different customer accounts? It doesn't show up on any lists in each customer account.

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