Audience: Retailers

Note: The default time zone in the portal is UTC. You can change the time zone on the General Settings page (Settings > General Settings).

Example flat files

To get you started off quickly, please see Rithum Data Schema for a zip file with all of the example flat files.

Note: After uploading a flat-file, you can check Automation > History to see the result of the upload. The results don’t update in real time, so be sure to refresh the page frequently.

When viewing Automation History, a job name that begins with Dsco, such as “Dsco Inventory Download”, denotes a file download/upload that was initiated manually via the portal.


A SKU is required for every inventory and product update and must match the same SKU provided in earlier updates. If a SKU changes, it is best to discontinue the old SKU and then create the new SKU.

Once a SKU has been added to the system, it will stay there and cannot be removed, although it can be discontinued if no longer needed. Discontinued SKUs are still accessible through the platform. If you do create a bad SKU and must have it removed from the system, please contact Software Support.

Supported delimited file formats

Rithum's flat-file exchange platform, as well as the Data Mapper tool, supports files delimited by Tab, Pipe, Commas and Microsoft Excel .xls format. The default file extensions are ".tab" for Tab delimited files, ".csv" for Comma delimited files, ".psv" for Pipe delimited files and ".xls" for Microsoft Excel files. However, if other file extensions are required, the automation job can be configured to use those as well. 

Header row

The flat-file exchange platform requires that a header row be provided in every file. If you are a retailer, this ensures that you always know which fields are included and the location of each field is consistent. If you are a supplier, providing a header row allows flexibility when you don't wish to provide every available field that we support.

For example, if you wanted to update just the wholesale cost of a SKU you can do so by providing a file with just two columns, "sku" and "cost", and Rithum will read the header row, see which fields you want to update, and only update the provided fields. 


An SFTP account is available for every Rithum account. You can find your SFTP account credentials when setting up jobs on the AUTOMATION page within your account. Simply go to AUTOMATION and then select SFTP ( An explanation of the folder structure is also provided on that page. 

All incoming files (from you to Rithum) must be placed within your SFTP account in the "/in" folder. As Rithum processes the files, we move the files to the "/in/processing" and "/in/archive" folders for later review if necessary.

All outgoing files (from Rithum to you) should be placed in the "/out" folder. When files in the "/out" directory are downloaded, Rithum detects the download and automatically moves/archives the file to the "/out/archive" folder in case you wish to access it later.

UTF-8 encoding

All flat files must be UTF-8 encoded. We do not support files saved with a BOM (byte-order-mark).

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