Audience: Suppliers
The Data Mapper tool walks you through the process of mapping your data to the Rithum specifications so that you don’t have to build a custom file on your end. Once the mapping has been completed, you can upload your file through the web application or you can configure an automated job to use the mapping. The tool is a great option for users who have their own CSV or TAB delimited files that they work with. In addition, the Data Mapper allows users to export data in a wide variety of formats. This feature can be most helpful when integrating with other third-parties that require data from the platform, such as tracking numbers and order information.
Creating a data map
The steps below uses the Inventory object as an example, but it is the same process for all objects.
Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Automation & Reporting > Automation > Data Mapper.
Step 2: Click Create Map at the top of the page.
Step 3: On step 1 of the Create Map wizard:
a. Enter a Map Name for this mapping so you can easily refer to it later.
b. Select the appropriate Process using the drop-down menu. For this example, we'll use Inventory - In.
c. Click Choose File to find and select the file you wish to use to create the map.
d. If your header row is found on anything other than the first row, set the appropriate header row in the Heads found on row field.
e. Click Next Step.
Step 4: On step 2 of the Create Map wizard, make sure the system has detected your file properly by ensuring that the data looks correct within the Data Preview section. When complete, click Next Step.
Step 5: On step 3 of the Create Map wizard, use the drop-down menus for each field to map the column within your field to the appropriate Rithum field.
Note: If your column name matches the Rithum column name, it will be automatically mapped for you, and you can leave the None Selected value.
Step 6: On step 4 of the Create Map wizard, confirm that you have mapped your data correctly. You can see the column headers along with your mapped data underneath. When complete, click Finish.
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