This is the fastest option for cancelling only a few orders. Cancelling an order moves the order to the Cancelled status. There are two ways to cancel an order:

For more information about cancelling a single line item in an order, go to Cancelling line items.

From the New Orders page

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Workflows > Orders > New Orders.

Step 2: Click the red X to the right of the desired order.

Step 3: Add a Reason Code along with a Cancel Reason Detail. You can add a unique reason code for each line item and then an overall cancel reason detail for the order.
Step 4: When complete, click YES, CANCEL THE ORDER.


From the Order Detail page

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Workflows > Orders > New Orders.

Step 2: Select the link for the desired order in the PO Number column.

Note: If you are cancelling an order in a different status, you can always find the order within the All Orders page. Search for the PO Number within the search bar and then select the blue link for that order within the Order ID column.

Step 3: Click Cancel at the top of the page.

Step 4: Add a Cancel Code along with a Cancel Reason Detail. You can add a unique reason code for each line item and then an overall cancel reason detail for the order.
Step 5: When complete, click Yes, cancel the order.
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