What formats and protocols does Rithum support?

Rithum supports the following flat-file formats:

  • XLS
  • CSV
  • TAB
  • PIPE

A flat-file is a text file that contains rows and columns of data similar to a spreadsheet. It contains a header row that defines the data contained in each column. Each column is delimited by a character, such as a comma, tab, or pipe. If certain information in each row is identical to the row before it, the rows are grouped together into a single entity. For example, if an Order has two line-items, each row will contain the same “po_number,” but the “line_item_sku” will be unique for each row.

Rithum also supports the following formats:

  • JSON (via REST API)
  • EDI ANSI X12


Rithum supports the following protocols:

  • SFTP - Port 22
  • AS2
  • Email (Automated exports only)
  • HTTP (Automated imports only)
  • HTTPS (Automated imports only)
  • REST API (JSON only)
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