The platform solves the one-to-many integration challenges for retailer, brand, and supplier relationships when building a drop-shipping operation. Our platform is used for inventory and order management, consolidation, and automation for drop shipping. We connect the virtual data from distributed product supply to retail storefronts.

The core platform is a powerful, standardized data translation and exchange engine. It’s centered around the data objects and processes for inventory, product catalog, orders, and shipments. The flexibility of the platform enables suppliers and retailers to obtain data in their preferred methods/format within our platform. 

We allow you and your trading partners to move data within the platform any way you’d like. From the web application, to file automation, to advanced API/EDI integrations, if data exists or is needed, we can obtain it or provide it. 

For example, you may want to put data into the platform via EDI files, and your trading partner may want to pull data out via our API. Both parties can use custom processes, and by doing so, cut out VAN and other integration costs. 

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