Audience: Retailers

Details about your supplier trading partners are available to you through the Trading Partners option in the navigation menu. 

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Partners > Trading Partners. The Trading Partners page is displayed.

Step 2: If desired, you can filter the list by Connection Status, Go-Live Goal, or Integration Protocol. Select the option you want to use for filtering and click Update.

Step 3: Click the trading partner whose details you want to see.

Step 4: On the Trading Partner Details page, you can: 

  • View the trading partner company, contact information and relationship status by clicking the Summary tab. If the connection is still in an onboarding status, you will be able to see the onboarding progress and integration methods as well as set or edit the target Go Live Date.
  • Configure trading partner IDs, returns addresses, and shipping preferences by clicking the Settings tab and adjusting the details accordingly.
  • Update the connection by clicking Actions and selecting Start ConnectionPause Connection, or Disconnect Partner.
  • Create a scheduled action by clicking Actions and selecting Create Scheduled Action. See Scheduling actions for supplier trading partners for more information.
  • View the supplier's history by clicking Actions and selecting History

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