Audience: Suppliers

Rithum provides a number of options for you to manage and share inventory data with your trading partners. You can add and edit inventory SKUs via the web application or via inventory spreadsheets, flat-file formats, or API.  Even if you regularly send EDI or Excel files to Rithum to update your inventory, you can still use the web application to manually edit a few items as necessary. 

Viewing your inventory

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Workflows > Inventory.

Step 2: The Inventory page is displayed with a list of all your SKUs. From here, you can:

  • Search for a specific SKU or list of SKUs. Use the Search bar at the top and enter text contained in any of the following fields:
    • Item Identifiers: item_id, sku, ean, upc, mpn
    • Product Information: product_id, product_title, product_group, product_description, categories
  • Filter the list of SKUs. Use the filter options on the left to adjust the list the SKUs based on status, assortment, etc. See Understanding inventory SKU statuses section below for more information.
  • Customize which columns are displayed. Click the three-dot menu and select from the available options. You may also rearrange how the columns are displayed by dragging and dropping the options into the desired order.
  • View details about a specific SKU. Click the SKU link to view more details. 
  • Edit an item's attributes.
  • Download the list of SKUs. Click Download All Results to export the list to the desired file type.
  • Add new inventory SKUs.
  • Upload multiple inventory SKUs via Excel.

Understanding SKU Requirements

Rithum enforces the following requirements on certain inventory fields.

  • UPC: Must be 6 (UPC-E) or 12 (UPC-A) digits
  • EAN: Must be 8 or 13 digits
  • GTIN: Must be 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits
  • ISBN: Must be 10 or 13 digits
  • SKU: Cannot exceed 64 characters. Only the following characters may be used: a-Z 0-9 . , : ; \' ` ~ # & _ ! ( ) - + / \ | ?. 
  • SKUs detected as scientific notation will not be accepted. Example: 1.59041E+12
  • SKUs that begin with a single quote mark will not be accepted. Example: 'fail
  • Spaces or tab characters at the beginning or end of the SKU will be automatically be removed.

Your retailer may also have their own SKU requirements in addition to the requirements listed above. Reach out to your retailer or check out their Documentation page for more information.

Understanding Inventory SKU Statuses

Inventory statuses are used to communicate the availability of your items with your trading partner.

Note: If inventory statuses do not match the quantity listed for an item, Rithum will automatically infer the stock status based on the quantity submitted for that item.

SKU Status Description
in-stock Use this status for all items that have a positive quantity, and for which you want Rithum to send positive feeds to your trading partners. If you give a quantity of 0 and a status of in-stock, the quantity will stay at 0 and the status will automatically be changed to out-of-stock.
out-of-stock Use this status for all items that have a 0 quantity, and for which you want Rithum to send 0 feeds to your trading partners. If you give a status of out-of-stock, but your item has a positive quantity, the status will be automatically changed to in-stock.

Items with a discontinued status should always have a 0 quantity. If you provide a positive stock quantity for an item, but set the status to discontinued, the item will be zeroed out and set to discontinued. Everywhere else, if there is a conflict between quantity_available and status, quantity_available takes precedence.

The difference between out-of-stock and discontinued is:
  • A discontinued item is an item you do not anticipate having in stock again this season (or perhaps ever).
  • An out-of-stock item is an item you anticipate will be back in stock again soon.
So if an item is simply out of stock and you anticipate that it will be available again soon, do not use the discontinued status.
hidden Rithum recommends using the hidden status for any items you errantly upload. For example, if you have created items by mistake, setting the status to hidden causes Rithum to send a 0 feed to your trading partner for the following 7 days, after which the item falls off the feed. The hidden status can also be used to hide inventory from a retailer before items are completely ready to sell online. For example, a supplier could upload some of the product data beforehand and set the status to hidden, ensuring that the product information could later be updated without affecting retailer partners. Once the product is ready to go, the supplier can change the status from hidden to in-stock and retailers will begin receiving updates for the item.

For more information about hiding your inventory, see Hiding items in bulk.
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