Audience: Retailers

You can create and schedule your automated jobs to fit your own internal schedule. For example, if you are going to be sending new orders to Rithum every hour, make sure you schedule your import job to pick up those files every hour.


  • If using EDI, every file being received by Rithum can be imported by a single import job that uses the EDI - Import process. There is no need to create a job for each EDI transaction type.
  • If you would like a certain job to run once per day, it is best practice to create a single job that runs daily instead of creating seven jobs that run on different days of the week.

Create your job

The example below gives details on creating an order import job. Go here for more help with creating your other export jobs.

Step 1: Click the navigation menu and select Automation & Reporting > Automation > Jobs.

Step 2: Click Create Job at the top of the page.

Step 3: Set up the name and type of job you want automated. In this case, you should set the Process to Orders - Import and name the job something like “Order Import” to make it easier to find later on. You can also specify the delimiter (file format) that you wish to use or specify a Custom Map.

Possible file types are:

  • .XLS format
  • .XLSX format
  • .CSV format (i.e. Comma-separated values)
  • .TAB format (i.e. Tab-separated values)
  • Pipe-delimited format
  • EDI format

Step 4: Specify the import source  for this job. Valid sources are Rithum SFTP, External SFTP, HTTP/HTTPS, and AS2. Make sure to include an email address under Failure Notifications?, so that Rithum will send a notification email to the listed email address if there are ever any problems with importing your order files. 

Step 5: Specify the frequency that the job should be run by Rithum. If you want the job to run automatically, select Hourly, Daily or Weekly from the drop-down menu. Choosing Manual indicates that you do not want Rithum to run the job automatically. You can run the job manually by logging into Rithum and clicking the Run Now button from the AUTOMATION section of the web application.

The Custom option is an advanced feature that allows users to set very specific job schedules for each automated job. After selecting the Custom option, users will see extensive documentation around how use the feature. You can also check out the links below for more information on using Crontab scheduling:

The frequency you choose to run a job should align with the system with which you are integrating. For example, if you are planning to send new order files at 15 minutes past every hour, make sure you schedule the job to run at 20 minutes past the hour instead of 10 minutes past the hour. If you don't follow that suggested schedule then you may send your order files at 1:15 PM, but Rithum wouldn't actually import the orders and send them to the supplier until 2:10 PM. 

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